“Vatra” e Luzatit Reborn – Descendants Remember and Respect the Past

Tirana Times
By Tirana Times March 27, 2024 15:38

“Vatra” e Luzatit Reborn – Descendants Remember and Respect the Past

by Aleksandër Toti, Chief of Cabinet, Tepelena Municipality

This weekend was unusual for Luzati, the beautiful village of Tepelena, as the opening of a museum-like spot was being inaugurated, namely VATRA, thus marking a rebirth of cultural and patriotic life and history. Sultan Novruz Day, known as the New Day for more than 300 million people around the world, is traditionally celebrated on the 25th here, although, under the Albanian official calendar, it falls on the 22nd, just one day after International Day of Novruz, which marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. Ceremonies and celebrations go on for almost two weeks.
Novruz is inscribed by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.
But the invitation sent out indicated the 23rd, and that with made with the means to bring together people from other locations on a Saturday. Those who were curious and interested to see something good happening in a small, remote area came and enjoyed visiting VATRA, a little “cottage” displaying historical facts and documents in a nice and simple manner.

The idea of giving birth to a museum was inspired not only by the desire, but also by the obligation and commitment that new generations often have towards their ancestors. Përparim Kalo, a lawyer and former Judge of the Constitutional Court, who is known as an art patron and who has a prominent art gallery in Tirana, took a chance to settle here and try to create a center where people can meet and greet, talk about their future by looking back, remembering and respecting the past. He could not be different from Ali Kalo Luzati and Remzi Kalo, the former a well-known patriot and the latter a philanthropist who, back in 1927, after the return to the homeland (he and his brother Arshi, with their father Ali had migrated to and stayed in the USA for 8 years), co-founded of the association Përparimi (an interesting coincidence with the name of one of his grandsons!).

Përparim Kalo, now a new missionary, is following the traditions of his noble grand grandfather Ali, whose name was given to one of the streets of Tepelena; his grandfather Remzi, the first teacher of Luzati school, his father Novruz, a partisan who fought for the liberty and then for the peace of the country, engaged as a high official in the military structure, and his uncle Isuf, a famous medical doctor who shined as a star not only in Albania but also internationally. Now that 6 brothers and 2 sisters of Remzi Kalo’s family have passed away, as one of their descendants, he is trying to keep the fire of patriotism and love for Luzat up. And indeed, thanks to Përparim’s commitment various groups of friends have visited Luzat lately. They saw the small and beautiful village and wondered why it had not got enough attention. Finally, he managed to bring hundreds of Albanian friends, including several ambassadors of EU countries and other representatives of foreign and international institutions, as well as representatives of the Albanian institutions, Luzatas living in Tirana and elsewhere. They enjoyed the atmosphere created by the village and also witnessed the ribbon cutting by the Tepelena Mayor.

They also witnessed the special hospitality, nice food and drinks, the support and enthusiasm of Luzatas, who considered this inauguration as a first step in the right direction, as a new starting point that marks the respect for the roots and the impressive history of the past. Luzati is a small village with some 250 people, and it has e heavy weight, if one considers the fact it contributed to the liberation with 14 young fallen heroes.

Luzati is known in history as a village with patriotic, hard-working, noble and kind, hospitable people who love their hometown and hardly leave it. As much as even today in Tepelena is the village that has fewer departures and more young people who live and work around it (mainly in "Ujin e Ftohte", the most popular tourist spot in the south which belongs to traditionally Luzat.
Six centuries ago, our national hero Skanderbeg fought one of the biggest battles against Ottomans in Fushë – Luzat, by the side of the lepers, and it was there that the first uprising of the Labëria area against the Ottoman Empire took place, as led by the Prince Gjergj Arianiti.
Centuries later, Meço Boni and other Luzatas would sit by Ali Pasha's side as a general. With the creation of the new state and the government of Vlora, the Luzati diplomat Sulejman Luzati (Kaziu) would be appointed the Vice-Prefect of Tepelena, and thus the tradition would continue until the Second World War, where the Luzatas did not sit idly by, but as the blood of the ancestors called. They were there with Ali Kalo Luzati, Nimete Progonati and many others. Having said this, one can have a little understanding of the historiography of this village, which inspires and can make proud any child born and connected to this picturesque homeland and to an invisible wealth - ashura that springs from white hearts, as pure as water springing and flowing from the mountains.

Now anyone who wants to go up to Luzat, along the national road Tepelenë – Gjirokastër, at kilometre 3, can follow the sign Luzat at the right turn, and also the new sign "VATRA LUZAT” that will take you to the top of the village, to the warm place where you can see interesting documents and objects and read the history of the village and its inhabitants.

The climbing of the hill, the sunlight, the rustling of the waters, the freshness of the air, the bells, the lowing of the cattle, the chirping of the birds, the smell of the sturgeon, will make you experience emotions unknown before...
Now what can be next? The next step is adding Luzati to the map of the tourism industry as a “must-visit” spot. Opportunities are there and people are realizing that ownership of the ideas, projects and their implementation, is a key issue. They have already reached a common understanding that Luzat can well be a hot spot for art and artists and this would mean that the village should open the doors of their houses to them, as they have opened their hearts already to some artists who visited the village last months.

They know the English meaning of the name Përparim (Progress) and believe that progress will really come when a strong desire, commitment, good people and coordination come together!








Tirana Times
By Tirana Times March 27, 2024 15:38